As a part of my studies of my Bachelor of Visual Communication, I was required to do a piece for the Graduating Students end of year GradShow @ The University of Tasmania's Arts Faculty. The GradShow runs from November 4th - 20th 2016,

Live For Life is a series of posters embodying a light and positive approach to raising awareness of our rapid animal extinction rates and the continuing fight for animal rights.

If you have the chance to, do yourself a favour and go to see some amazing works by soo many talented people.

Until my page is fully functional, you can look at my Facebook page, tabitha. which contains a little infomation about myself and my project.

Thank You for your continued patience.


Social Media Sites

There are several Social Media sites where you can look at and access images of my work. Please feel free

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Welcome to tabitha.

Thank You for visiting my site.

This page is currently being re-developed and is scheduled to be up by Sunday

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